


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

tag from red....

hai semua...
dalam entri semalam aku cakap ade lagi satu tag kan
so ni nak jawab tag from red plak
siap ada rules and regulations tau...
jom kite buat dengan penuh semangat waja ek...

Rules And Regulation:
1 ~ it’s harder than it looks,
2 ~ copy this to your own notes,
3 ~ erase my answer
4 ~ enter yours,
5 ~ tag twenty (20) people
6 ~ use the first letter of your name to answer
each of the following questions,
7 ~ they have to be real, nothing made up if the person
before u had the same first initial, u must use different answer

what is your name:
Dikna la...

a four letter word:
Diam..syhhhhh!!!! bley?

a boy’s name:
Dafi...penyanyi jambu tu...

a girl’s name:
Dayana idola kecil 2 yg cute tu....

an occupation:
Dentist...paling tak suke g jumpa dentist..huhu

a colour:
Dark blue...huhu

something ur wear:
Dah pakai semua yang patut...haha bley ek camtu...

a food:
Dunkins Donut....hehe apepun big apple lagi sedap..

something found in the bathroom:
Dark hole....lubang jamban la tu...bedal aje..huhu

a place:
Denmark....kalah ngan malaysia masa suku akhir...huhu

a reason to being late:
Dah jalan jem nak wat macam mane...hehe

something u shout:
Don't know, Don't care...okey??

a movie title:
Drag me to hell.....

something u drink:
Drinking water....

a musical group:
Dewa...indonesia group kan..

an animal:
Dinasour la...

a street name:
dagang road...seyes ade kat umah aku...huhu

a type of car:
Datsun la kot....

 tag 20 blogger lain...
(ramai giler....huhu)
nah aku pass kat korang plak...selamat menjawab
tanda ingatan aku kat korang blogger yang best....(^_^)

1. farah
2. mya amirah
3. icee
4. endah
5. intan
6. beeha
7. nurul ain
8. marmilo
9. wanie
10. nani
11. wawa
12. merahjambu
13. alyn
14. apiz
15. nora
16. dah la wei....ramai sangat ni....(^_^)

p.s: lama betul nak jawab...huhu
      apepun thanks to red coz tag me...

aku kena tag lagi

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